CRSDO Assist in raising health standards, and strengthening the health system through the provision of coordinated services of promotional, preventative, and curative health care as well as activities that promote health conditions in rural and urban areas, in accordance with the community.  CRSDO is willing to increase youth adolescent and women access to routine Reproductive Health (RH) and Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH) Care Services. To increase coverage of services in order to prevent and treat communicable diseases and malnutrition. To improve hygiene and sanitation conditions between the general public and health workers and to strengthen the capacity of health personnel in extending effective primary health care services


CRSDO in partnership with IOM, Colombo Plan and coordination with MoLSMAD, MoWA, MoI implemented a children and women Protection Center (shelter) in the center of Kabul city. CRSDO provided protection services to the survivors of human trafficking, at risk, fatless and street children and survivors of GBV.  CRSDO has provided shelter services including but not limited to Accommodation, 3 times quality meal, clothing, Medical services, psychological counselling, Legal services, Education and vocational Skill Training and after solving GBV cases successful reintegration back to their families.


CRSDO believes that Providing livelihood and Agricultural support to vulnerable farmers and unemployed population particularly women boys and girls in rural and urban parts of Afghanistan ensure peace, stability and Prosperity in the country. CRSDO aim is to create robust livelihood opportunities to enable households to earn more and lead healthier lives. The Livelihoods portfolio covers several integrated community-based interventions across Afghanistan that strive to improve through modern farming practices, water management, soil conservation, livestock and animal husbandry, market linkages, crafts, etc.


Since its establishment CRSDO in coordination with Deputy Ministry of Youth Affairs has been Providing Capacity Building Trainings to young boys, girls from CSOs, Youth and women Networks, Youth and Women Associations, Afghanistan Line ministries, Line Directorates, civil servants, community Elders, Religious leaders and Afghan traders through offering various kinds of Training opportunities to meet the challenge of the evolving needs:


Education is a key factor of social and economic development of a country. In the present world ‘developed country meaning educated country’. Amongst all human right components education plays a very important role. It promotes human capabilities and improves the quality of lives of human being – no matter whether he/she is rich or poor. The low rate of education is one of the main factors for under development. The emergent consensus articulates that country’s sustained economic growth can be achieved with higher emphasis on the quality of its human capital. This has necessitated that the stakeholders must intensify efforts to bring improvement in literacy rates and quality of education. Currently, there are highest numbers of out-of-school children in Afghanistan.

CRSDO has been providing quality education to the deprived and underprivileged adolescent boys and girls, adolescent and youth both in rural and urban areas of Afghanistan.


CRSDO’s primary objective behind vocational Skills training is to enable unemployed boys, girls and women with market driven trade. as TVET is the means for bringing socio-economic transformation in a society, where CRSDO’s various measures taken to enhance the access of technical and vocational skills of the marginalized sections of the Afghanistan.

Technical and Vocational Education plays a vital role in human resource development of the Afghanistan by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life. CRSDO provided practical training aimed at preparation of youths and women to skilled or semi-skilled levels in various trades and industries. CRSDO introduced suitable manpower production according to the needs of the Industry, and Society.


Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is rooted in gender

inequality, discrimination and harmful cultural and social norms. In Afghanistan, VAWG and gender based violence (GBV) is widespread Women and girls in Afghanistan continue to face persistent discrimination, violence, street harassment, forced and child marriage, severe restrictions on working and studying outside the home, and limited access to justice. CRSDO focus on Enhancing their capacity in their provision of quality, comprehensive services and Strengthening their relationships with other organizations, governments, and communities to create a comprehensive, sustainable approach to SGBV prevention and response.


CRSDO is working with international community and Afghan government in response to the current scale of acute food insecurity in the country. The deterioration in the food security situation has posed significant threats to people’s immediate survival and wellbeing. Combined with other factors, it has also fueled surging acute malnutrition particularly among for women and children in Afghanistan. CRSDO is working with sufficient recovery support in order to help food security situation and battle with protracted crisis and adopt coping mechanisms that concession health, dignity and essential livelihood assets of vulnerable communities in Afghanistan. While CRSDO in the past worked with donors support to food needs which widespread across Afghanistan, supported food Security interventions where the highest numbers of food insecure people are.


 CRSDO believes that peace and stability ensures Prosperity in the country particularly in every Community of Afghanistan. Therefor CRSDO is actively involved Traditional Dispute Resolution (TDR) and conducting peace building and conflict resolution trainings in various provinces of Afghanistan. CRSDO in partnership with USAID-ADALAT implemented Traditional dispute resolution project in Bamyan province.


CRSDO in partnership with Tetra Tech ARD Afghanistan implemented   community based school program in Rodaat District of Nanagarhar where it provides the facilities of primary education for those students who do not have access to the schools and they are very far from Governmental Institutes. It is to mention that the total beneficiaries has been increased to 350 which are arranged and adjusted in 10 classes 35 students per class.


Water, Sanitation and health hygiene Education services and Livelihood programs, clean water, basic toilets and good hygiene practices are essential to the survival and development of Children, adolescent and women in Afghanistan, Therefore CRSDO has been striving to provide WASH services to Afghan Population in Afghanistan.

12. Small & Medium Enterprise Development Program:

CRSDO Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Development Program discovers and promotes effective solutions to the constraints faced by SM entrepreneurs Afghanistan. CRSDO SME program is the largest generators of employment in Afghanistan which generates opportunities across sectors and geographic areas, and employ broad and diverse segments of the labor force throughout Afghanistan.


CRSDO is actively involved in research and study and has done various kinds of Assessment, public opinion surveys, district profile data collection and other kind of research activities. CRSDO has implemented district profile data collection and research project with Inter SoS Italian NGO, where CRSDO has interviewed District Governors, DDA members, CDC members, religious leaders, women representatives, youth associations, line directorates on provincial and district level. CRSDO collected and gathered a comprehensive data from four provinces in the Easter region of Afghanistan.